How to Stop Bugs From Coming Under the Door [Natural Methods]

Bugs creeping under your door can annoy you, disrupting your peace and potentially causing health concerns. Whether it’s ants, spiders, or other pests, keeping them out is essential for a comfortable living environment.

Before jumping onto the effective preventive methods, let’s understand the types of bugs commonly attracted to doors in the morning, afternoon, and night. By identifying these culprits, you can tailor your prevention strategies accordingly.

So without further ado…

Let’s get started…

What Kind of Bugs are Attracted to Doors

Here are some common bugs that may find your doors particularly enticing:

  1. Ants: Ants are notorious for seeking out food sources, and doors often provide easy access to crumbs and spills. The door can never limit their entrance, they can crawl the wall, and enter through even the smallest gap, making them a common nuisance around doorways.
  2. Cockroaches: Cockroaches are adept at squeezing through tiny openings, including those around doors. They are attracted to moisture and food residue, making kitchens and entryways prime targets.
  3. Spiders: While not technically insects, spiders are often found near doorways where they can catch prey attracted by outdoor lights. Certain species, like house spiders, may also refuse indoors during cooler months.
  4. Flies: Flies are drawn to doors due to the presence of light and warmth. They can enter homes through open doors or gaps in screens, particularly during the warmer months.
  5. Beetles: Beetles, including carpet beetles and pantry beetles, are attracted to doors where they may find shelter or access to food sources indoors. They can enter through cracks and crevices in door frames.
  6. Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes are very common in almost every home. They are attracted to the warmth and carbon dioxide emitted by humans, making doorways an ideal entry point into homes. They are particularly active during the evening and nighttime hours.

Keeping Bugs Out: 10 Effective Ways to Stop Them From Coming Under the Door

1. Seal Your Doors: Preventing Entry

A fundamental step in bug prevention is ensuring your doors are properly sealed. Small gaps under doors serve as an open invitation for bugs to enter. You can utilize door sweeps or weather stripping to seal these gaps effectively. This simple method can significantly reduce the influx of bugs like ants and cockroaches.

2. Regular Cleaning

Maintaining cleanliness is key to deterring bugs. Regularly vacuuming and sweeping floods, especially near doorways, eliminated food crumbs and other debris that attract pests.

Keep spiders at bay by regularly vacuuming and sweeping near doorways to remove webs and egg sacs.

3. Utilizing Mint Leaves: A Natural Repellent

Mint leaves are a natural deterrent for bugs due to their strong scent, which many insects find unpleasant. Placing dried mint leaves near doorways or using mint essential oil in a diffuser can help repel bugs like flies and beetles effectively. Refresh the mint leaves periodically to maintain their potency.

4. Use Vinegar

Vinegar is a versatile household item known for its cleaning properties and bug-repelling abilities. Create s solution of equal parts vinegar and water, then wipe down door thresholds and surrounding areas. This not only deters bugs like ants and cockroaches with its odor but also eliminates any pheromone trails that may attract them.

5. Insecticide Treatment

For persistent bug problems, consider using insecticide treatments. Apply insecticide spray or powder around door frames and thresholds, focusing on areas where bugs such as mosquitoes and flies are likely to enter. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to ensure safe and effective application.

6. Essential Oil: Natural Bug Repellents

Certain essential oils, such as lavender, citronella, and eucalyptus, are known for their insect-repelling properties. Dilute these oils with water and spray them around doorways to create a barrier against bugs like mosquitoes and flies. Not only do they keep pests at bay, but they also add a pleasant aroma to your home.

7. Screen Doors

Installing a screen door provides an additional layer of protection against bugs like spiders, and mosquitoes while allowing airflow. Choose a fine mesh screen that effectively blocks out insects. Keep screen doors closed, especially during peak bug activity times, such as dusk and dawn.

8. Caulk Cracks and Crevices

Inspect door frames, walls, and baseboards for any cracks or crevices that bugs could use to enter your home. Use caulk to seal these openings, preventing bugs from finding their way inside. Regular maintenance ensures these barriers remain intact over time.

Caulking helps prevent beetles and ants find their way indoors.

9. Outdoor Lighting

Bugs are often drawn to bright outdoor lights, which can inadvertently lead them to your door. Consider using yellow or LED lights, which are less attractive to insects. Additionally, positioning lights away from doorways reduces the likelihood of bugs congregating near entrances.

10. Natural Ways to Stop Bugs From Coming Under the Door

I’ve already mentioned some effective natural ways to stop bugs from coming under the door such as using mint leaves, essential oils, etc. You can also apply the below-mentioned methods to keep bugs at bay.

  1. Peppermint Oil: Mix a few drops of peppermint essential oil with water and spray it along doorways to repel bugs naturally.
  2. Diatomaceous Earth: Sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth along door thresholds to create a barrier that deters bugs without harming pets and your family members.
  3. By Leaves: Place bay leaves near doorways or crush them to release their scent, effectively repels insects.
  4. Citrus Peels: Rub citrus peels along door frames to deter bugs with their strong fragrance.

How to Prevent Bugs From Entering the Door at Night

Nighttime poses a higher risk of bugs entering your home, as many insects are nocturnal. To prevent nighttime infiltration:

  1. Keep doors closed and securely sealed after dusk.
  2. Install motion-sensor lights outdoors to deter bugs from approaching doorways.
  3. Consider using door draft stoppers to block gaps at the bottom of doors, preventing bugs from sneaking in while you sleep.

You can also use some natural plant oils like peppermint tree oil, eucalyptus tree oil, etc to stop bugs from entering the door at night.


In conclusion, I prefer natural ways to stop bugs from coming under the door such as using mint leaves, essential oils, bay leaves, and citrus peels. Use caulk to seal all the cracks and crevices around the door, and prevent bugs from finding their way inside.


Q.1 Why are bugs attracted to doorways?

Ans: Bugs are attracted to doorways due to factors such as light, warmth, and potential food sources. Cracks and gaps around doors also provide easy entry points for insects seeking shelter or sustenance.

Q.2 How can I tell if bugs are entering my home through the door?

Ans: If you find pests, insect trails, or droppings near doorways, and experience an increase in bug activity around entry points, you can tell that bugs are entering your home.

Q.3 How often should I apply insecticide treatments to keep bugs out?

Ans: The frequency of insecticide treatments depends on the bug problem’s severity and the treatment’s effectiveness. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and reapplication to maintain a bug-free environment. Regular maintenance and preventive measures can also reduce the need for frequent insecticide use.

About The Author


Adam is here, I'm an Editor and writer on guidingpapa. I love to share home improvement tips and new ideas in this blog. I have been doing this from couple of years and I'm very passionate about it.

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